Subterranean Press’s Gwenda Bond discussed The Providence Rider in a three-part interview with Robert McCammon. You can read the interview on the Subterranean Press site:

Back in 2010, Subterranean Press also posted an interview with Robert McCammon in which he discussed Mister Slaughter. You can find a PDF of that interview here.


From the Publishers Weekly website:

The Providence Rider Robert R. McCammon. Subterranean (, $26.95 (416p) ISBN 978-1-59606-466-9
Problem-solver Matthew Corbett’s past comes back to haunt him in McCammon’s intriguing fourth historical thriller (after 2010’s Mister Slaughter). Shanghaied in 1704 from Manhattan to Pendulum Island, the Bermuda home of his nemesis, criminal mastermind Professor Fell, Matthew is tasked with finding out who among Fell’s criminal confederates is leaking to England Fell’s plans to sell a devastating new type of weapon to the nation’s European enemies. Matthew must not only risk betraying his mother country to do Fell’s bidding but also find some way to save his girlfriend, Berry Grigsby, whom Fell is holding in pawn until Matthew completes the job. Once again, McCammon provides a colorful and well-researched depiction of colonial America, enlivened by a rogues gallery of well-drawn characters. Hairs-breadth escapes and the teasing promise that characters who appear to have been disposed of might resurface in future adventures make this a rollicking good yarn. Agent: Cameron McClure, DMLA. (May)Reviewed on: 03/19/2012

Remember, you can download the first 120 pages of The Providence Rider for free from Subterranean Press! The book will be published in late May 2012.